Organic click through rate 2021

What Is Organic Click-Through-Rate?

Organic click-through-rate (also known as “Organic CTR”), is the percentage of searchers that click on a search engine result. Organic CTR is largely based on ranking position but is also influenced by a result’s title tag, description, URL and presence of Rich Snippets.

Before we move on to the importance of Organic CTR, we will look at 3 examples of how CTR varies by position depending on different searcher intent:

1. SEO CTR for brand vs non-branded keyword intent

It's well known that clickthrough rates for branded or navigational keywords are higher - the blue curve shows this well. Here branded CTRs are selected by AWR when part of the string in the domain name appears in the search indicating a brand name.

This first chart depicts organic CTRs for branded vs non-branded keywords on all devices, globally.

The red, non-branded curve shows a steady decline in organic CTRs down the SERP. Generally when it comes to paid ads, there will be more competition in terms of non branded categories which show up first on the SERP, which explains the lower organic CTR for non-branded.

The chart clearly shows the value of being in the top 3 keywords, with organic CTRs at 27% and 35% in the first position decreasing to 9% and 10% in the third position. In the lower positions of 11 onwards, CTR has fallen to a paltry sub 1%.


Marketers who have a search term that is monopolized by a particular device may also want to check for device-specific trends.

2. SEO CTR for generic vs long-tail terms

Generic searches for products are typically 1 or 2 words and long-tail terms are 4 or more. This chart shows a  similar pattern of decline to above, but, after the top spot, a higher level of CTR for more keywords.

The (4 word) long-tail SEO technique outranks generic (1 word) search by 3 to 6% in highly coveted SERP positions 2-5. Typically this will be because long-tail searches occur further down the sales funnel. Plus, there is less competition (organic and paid) as searches get more niche at this stage. So, SEOs in 2021 must recognize the benefit of targeting long-tail keywords from their gap analysis when considering the ever-evolving SERP layout features.


3. SEO CTR variation based on intent type

We see a similar decline here, but with slight variations according to intent type. For example, comparing commercial and informational intent, we can see a higher CTR on the first position for commercial intent.

Notably, consumers after answers to the who/what/where/when/how of your product are more likely to visit the second or third link on the page than number one. However, for targeting those with transactional intent - the best plan is to get your keyword in the top position and keep it there.


Moreover, here are the different search intent types are defined by these keywords in the search query :

  • Commercial intent -  buy, purchase, cheap, pricing, etc.

  • Informational intent - what, when, where, how, restaurant, hotel, flight, news, etc.

  • Location intent - near, nearby, from, directions, airport, route, maps, etc.

  • Specific intent - sums up the keywords with all three intents described above.

Why Is Organic CTR Important?

There are two reasons why organic CTR is important.

First, higher click-through-rate=more traffic.

For example, you just doubled your traffic without higher rankings if you increase your CTR from 10% to 20%.


Second, CTR is a key search engine ranking signal.

Larry Kim from Moz found a strong correlation between “expected CTR” and search rankings.


Specifically, Larry found that pages with a higher than average CTR got a rankings boost. He said this:

The more your pages beat the expected organic CTR for a given position, the more likely you are to appear in prominent organic positions.

Also, Google has made statements that suggest they do use CTR in their algorithm.

For example, a Google engineer says that they use CTR to figure out what type of results users want to see.


The slide literally says it’s “bad” if someone doesn’t click on a result.


Also, Google once reported to the FTC that they use CTR as a ranking signal:


So it’s clear that a higher CTR can lead to higher rankings and more traffic.

Here’s exactly how to do it:

Best Practices

1) Use Brackets In Your Title Tag

An industry study by Hubspot found that brackets in headlines increased clicks by nearly 40%.


Here’s an example:


Why does this work?

Brackets are like a content sneak preview according to the authors of the study.

They’re MUCH more likely to click because users know what they’re getting into.

This works so well that it’s recommended to use brackets or parentheses in almost all of my title tags.

For example, in this post about content creation, Backlinko added “[New Step-By-Step Guide]” to the end of my title tag.

Which helps it stand out in the search results.


2) Include Numbers In Your Title

It’s no secret that numbers increase clicks and this definitely applies to clicks from Google searchers.

So, use a number in your title tag whenever possible.

You obviously want to use a number for list posts:


But you can use numbers in all sorts of different title tags.

For example, let’s say you have an eCommerce product page.

Well, you can make your title tag:


Or let’s say you run a house painting business. You can use a title tag like this:


For example, check out this case study by Brian Dean from Backlinko:


As you can see, he include a specific number (“652%”) to help his title stand out:


3) Write an enticing meta description

Ensure the meta description is relevant to the query because Meta descriptions are an easy way for the user to see what they’ll view before they click.

It still plays a HUGE role in organic CTR even though your meta description isn’t as important as your title tag.

With that, here’s how to write a description that pushes people to click.

  • Be Emotional: Emotional descriptions grab people’s attention. You don’t need to be shocking or clickbaity. But don’t be afraid to use emotionally-charged words like “amazing” and “powerful” in your description.

  • Character Limit: Be careful not to do over the character limit for descriptions (approximately 150-170 characters).

  • Sell Your Content: Your page is competing with 9 organic search results on Google’s first page. Don’t be afraid to tell people why they should check out your result.

One tip is to look at PPC ad descriptions. PPC specialists regularly test ways to improve CTR, so you can quickly gain insights into what works.


But be aware, a study conducted by Ahref found 62.78% of meta descriptions are ignored and rewritten by Google, so your efforts here may be in vain.


4) Use power words

Ensure these are as effective as possible in prompting the user to click through since you have few words to play with.

Think of trigger words such as new, exclusive, or instant — these are likely to grab the user's attention without sounding too clickbaity.

Also, there’s no doubt that emotional titles get clicked on.

Backlinko’s analysis of 5M Google results found that titles with emotion get more clicks.


This doesn’t mean that you need to write clickbait titles. A little bit goes a long way.

For example, check out this title tag from one of Backlinko’s posts.


Instead of writing a boring title like “17 Helpful Ways to Promote Your Blog”, he added the term “New strategies”. Which gives the title a little bit more emotion.

5) Create shorter, descriptive URLs

The searcher uses the URL to understand the context of the page. URLs also show on the SERP, so try to keep them as short as possible and match the user’s query.

You might have seen that shorter URLs tend to perform best in Google search


Most people assume that Google’s algorithm prefers short URLs.

(Which might be the case.)

But here’s the deal: 

Users ALSO like short URLs which means they’re much more likely to click on a URL like this:


Than a URL like this:



People use a page’s URL to figure out what a page is about.

That’s why Backlinko recommends using short URLs that describe your page’s topic.

For example, this post from Backlinko site is a list of actionable SEO tips:


So they made the URL:



6) Research long-tail keywords

Long-tail keywords are a vital part of every SEO strategy as they’re also essential for blogs.

You’ll greatly increase the volume of related organic queries you rank for By researching long-tail keywords and integrating them into your website.


It’s kind of like playing the lottery or sweepstakes. The more tickets you buy, the better your chances of winning.

The more tickets you buy, the better your chances of winning.

Long-tail keywords are the key to building a solid sales funnel.


While single keywords can build the top of the funnel, long-tail keywords create your mid and bottom funnels.

For example, when a customer searches for “best bikes under $500” or “black Trek mountain bike,” they’re much more likely to buy than when searching “bike” or “bicycle.”

You’ll get more qualified click-throughs on the long-tail keywords if you’re a bicycle retailer or manufacturer. Here’s an example of how you can find them:

Step #1: Visit Ubersuggest, Enter Your Keyword, and Click “Search”


Step #2: Click “Keyword Ideas” in the Left Sidebar


Step #3: Review Your Keyword List


In addition to a list of long-tail keywords, you’re also provided:

  • Volume – the average number of searches the keyword gets each month

  • CPC – the average cost per click if you want to pay for Google Ads

  • PD – paid difficulty, which is the estimated competition in paid search (the higher the number the more competitive it is)

  • SD – SEO difficulty, which is the estimated competition in organic search (the higher the number the more competitive it is)

For even more keywords, you can click on the four tabs alongside “suggestions.”

  • Related

  • Questions

  • Prepositions

  • Comparisons

For example, Neil Patel from his own blog likes to use the “questions” tab as it gives him a clear idea of what his target audience is searching for. Here’s an example:


And for the highest volume of keywords, you’ll want to click on “related.”


He suggests that people should search for high volume keywords with higher than average CPCs. High volume makes it worth your time to optimize for the keyword, while high CPC keywords typically convert better.

7) Implement structured data

Structured data (a.k.a. schema markup) is the key component to much of the rich, interactive content found on Google’s SERPs.

For example, search “best movies 2017,” and you’ll be presented with a carousel of what Google determined was the best movies from that year.


Click on a movie, and you get an infobox with showtimes.


Search for a review, and you get another well-organized list.


If you have the right schema Google’s algorithms are looking for, these interactive infoboxes often appear above all search results and can circumvent SEO.

It’s a sign of things to come as Google clearly sees search being presented in a whole new way moving forward.

More and more often, we see infoboxes rising to the top of search results, often obscuring any organic results.


Social media sites like Twitter and reference sites like Wikipedia and IMDB have long used schema markup.


It adds just the right touch of interactive color to your SERP results and is already an industry standard.

You risk being invisible on the new Internet without structured data which is why this step is very important.

8) Create posts with images

Pictures are worth 1,000 words when it comes to click-through rates.

They can increase click-through rates up to 42% in emails.

Images also increase engagement across all social media channels.


You can, however, use images even though you can’t fit 1,000 words into your search previews.

In fact, over 90% of marketers responded to a recent survey that they use visual content for over half of all articles published in 2015 and 2016.


You also realize images played a big part in being included in infoboxes if you were paying attention in the last section.

Be sure to include original, relevant visual content in as much content as possible.

9) Simplify your title format

The first and most obvious aspect of your page that’s seen in search results is the title.

Here’s what one of Neil Patel’s SEO blogs looks like in search results.


You’ll notice it’s cut off because he uses his name in the title.

The reason he does this is for personal branding purposes.

Out of the 58 Neil Patels in the United States, one co-founded The Daily Caller and another is a scenic designer.

Both have active web presences. He wants to make sure that he’s the Neil Patel you see in search results.

He used to actually put it up front.


Unfortunately, this hurt his search rankings, so he moved it to the end.

It’s easy to move (or remove) the site name from your title tag using Yoast SEO for WordPress.


It’s up to you to decide whether or not you brand yourself. There’s no penalty or boost on Google’s search algorithms. It’s simply a way to keep your name in front of people’s eyes.

10) Localize your content

Google has been shifting to mobile over the past 5 years.

This is because mobile searches have steadily increased since 2011, overtaking desktop as the preferred method of search.


It triggered a shift in the way search results are presented.

Depending on where we are, the context of what we search for changes on mobile devices.

Google’s search algorithms account for this.

Proximity has become more important in search rankings from 2015 to 2017 according to a study recently published on Moz.


In fact, it’s the number one search factor in localized SEO!

Localizing content is the way to do it if you want to increase click-through rates.

A customer searching for air conditioner repair in Phoenix may search “air conditioner repair” or “air conditioner repair Phoenix.”

You want to cover both bases.

Also, register your business at Google My Business.

This literally puts you on the map.


Your map location will show up above search results, redirecting users to Google Maps when people search for keywords related to your business.

Your website, operating hours, location, directions, and phone number appear.

That’s a much more efficient way to get customers than putting sign spinners on the street corner.

11) Listicles work

Listicles are everywhere thanks to popular websites like BuzzFeed,, and The Huffington Post.

Lists predate the Internet, of course.

We’ve always loved them!

People love lists that end in 0.

Top 10, 20, etc. do better than top 8, 12, etc.

A researcher analyzed a sample of BuzzFeed’s listicles if you want more detailed information.


The site publishes thousands of listicles in the 10-20 item range, which is clearly the sweet spot.

Here are the keywords he found to be the most shared among them on Facebook:


As we can see, listicles of just about any type are popular, but career and pop culture rule the roost.

Start thinking about ways you can leverage listicles for your business.

Perhaps a top 10 list of products/services you provide in every category, 20 ways your business improves lives, or 30 industry professionals you admire.

Even a step-by-step training guide counts as a listicle.

12) Test headlines on social media

You should do your research to make it a good headline since strong titles matters.

A good place to start is CoSchedule’s headline analysis tool.Here’s a report based on the title “5 Free Tools to Check Your Headline”:

Here’s a report based on the title “5 Free Tools to Check Your Headline”:


As you can see, it uses several common words and power words. But it lacks emotional or uncommon words.

This is just a theory, of course. The only way to know how your headline will fare is to put it out in the real world even though it’s based on tons of data analysis.

Social media is a great place to test alternate headlines.

Pick a title to publish, and WordPress can automatically publicize across social media.

You can see how many click-throughs, retweets, and favorites you get using one title from there.

13) Use Yoast preview (WordPress users)

You should already have Yoast installed if you use WordPress. It’s an all-in-one SEO suite that ensures you have the best possible results.

You’ll have the option to view a snippet preview as it looks on Google’s SERPs while writing a post.


What a great SEO tool!

Yoast helps you determine if your snippet cuts out any keywords or doesn’t make sense.

There are even real-time status bars as you type letting you know when you reached the character limit.

It shows mobile versus desktop as well.

The best part is it’s integrated into every new post when the plugin is installed, so it’s seamless to use.

Don’t fret if you don’t have WordPress. There’s a solution for you too.

14) Use Google AdWords to preview (Other CDN)

Google AdWords Preview Tool is an alternative to Yoast SEO that has an extra feature Yoast doesn’t.

The ad preview can be optimized for mobile/desktop and alternative titles and descriptions are given as of September 2016.


This is a great way to see how different ideas would work while possibly generating new ideas for content.

Simply type the title you want to check in Headline 1, your site name in Headline 2, and type a short description.

You’ll notice the meta description isn’t exact, but you’ll get a general idea.

Also, note that neither Google AdWords nor Yoast can check your schema. You’ll need to use Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool for that.

15) Identify CTR winners and losers

It’s very important to check the current click-through status of your pages.

There are two places to check in Google Analytics for this information

First, go to Acquisition – Search Console – Queries to learn which queries lead to your page.


You’ll notice this report shows the clicks, impressions, CTR (click-through rate), and average SERP position.

This is all valuable information to be viewed, downloaded, and/or analyzed often.

Next, check the landing pages in the same menu.


This report provides even more detailed information on how many impressions, clicks, etc. any given link has.

It also shows bounce rates, sessions, conversions, and other valuable data.

This report provides even more detailed information on how many impressions, clicks, etc. any given link has.

It also shows bounce rates, sessions, conversions, and other valuable data.

You can see which of your pages get great clicks and which aren’t performing between these reports.

Start with the bottom percentile and start A/B testing titles and descriptions on social media.

16) Optimize site speed

A click doesn’t count if your page doesn’t load in time.

Site speed is critical to improving clicks and overall user experience.

Here’s a breakdown of how page load speed correlates to Google SERP position:


It won’t load fast, and people will leave if your web page is bogged down.

On mobile devices, a leap from one to three seconds in site speed increases bounce rates by 32%.


This makes improving site speed a top priority to maintain a decent click-through rate.

It’s also important for SEO.

There are plenty of free tools to check your site speed. You’ll find them discussed throughout Neil Patel’s blog which I found on Google.

Once again, Ubersuggest can help. Here’s how to get started:

Step 1: Enter Your URL and Click “Search”


Step 2: Click “Site Audit” in the Left Sidebar


Step 3: Scroll down to “Site Speed”


You’re shown the loading time for both desktop and mobile devices. The results above show that Neil Patel’s site is in the “excellent” range for both.

In addition to loading time, it also tests:

  • First Contentful Paint

  • Speed Index

  • Time to Interactive

  • First Meaningful Paint

  • First CPU Idle

  • Est. Input Latency

Ubersuggest will outline just what you need to do to get better. Take its guidance into consideration, make the necessary changes, and then test your site speed again.

That’s all it takes!


Organic search traffic is the good tactic of any digital marketing plan.

It’s a free way to obtain customers coming in to browse your business, brand, products, and services.

The only way to get this traffic is to get clicks from Google and other search engines.

You’ll increase overall organic search traffic and conversions by improving your click-through rates.

It takes some time getting used to the new way of doing things. Think of it as SEO 3.0.

We used to optimize search results for keywords, then it was long-tail keywords.

Now, structured data is the key to staying on top of search results and getting clicks.
